Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Time's up.
It quite a long time since I said that I will keep myself inside my imaginary wall.
Too tired with my silentness that separated me from my real world.
For years, I been playing it safe and far from them.
Yeah. Honestly it is such a pride that I maintained it that long.
For lately I realized that the wall I built to keep the sadness is also keeping away the joy.
And I hold on to that principle that no one can hurt me until they knew about it.
I been living a lie.
Now, I have decided to give it up..

I also have the right to feel what they are feeling..for I am human.
I deserved to be sad yet I also deserve to be happy.
Though I know, it would not be that easy, for there are people whom I will hurt as I am also hurting myself since then.

But the pain worth it.

The wall in which a long time ago is STRONG..is now breached.
And I watched patiently if there's someone who has enough courage to bring it down.
And it is so sad to see that there are many weak than strong. Or maybe, they dont deserve it.

Now, I watched in full amazement, with unfroze heart, for this person who is so weak, but has enough courage to bring down my pride..and convince me to at least give it a try..

For I my mind and my stupid pride really cant understand it..but my heart knows it well..
Speaking of LOVE, is it UNCONDITIONAL and no specifications set..everyone deserves it-just like me :-)

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