Sunday, July 25, 2010

ECHOES: Walking the Talk

Lately, i have this thing in which i realized, for people around me taught great lessons far more than my soul understand. It always feel good to learn these things and I found so gratefull for them who let me understand and see and hear these stuff.

1. RESPECT: He that donot know how to respect others because he himself were having no respect to himself.
He cant give it to others because he himself lacks it.

2. LOVE and SEX: Sex ofcourse is not love. For it is ONLY take charge of the reproduction while love is the stopper for someone to stop the tiredfull search. Love is far more than pleasure. It is far more than obligation. Far more than PAIN. The more you fall into the more you het hurt-BUT-its worth it.

3. OBEDIENCE: Nobody cant follow a leader who has no obedience to his teachings and rules. If He cant WALK the TALK, then, He is not worthy to be followed.

4. SENSE of Humor: All things must be in the right place and time, else it LOSSES its value.


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