Wednesday, July 21, 2010


How could a ghost be loved?
She didnt even know her name or her place
She didnt even have a heart to show..
But her emotion is a stillness of neverending sadness

for a BAD FATE that come across her.

I once saw this little girl and ask her:
What happened to you my dear?
And never i got a respond from her,
For she had nothing to tell

Its quite desperate to keep seing her
In days and night, I pray
For she didnt know where she should go
Nor she know where shes going

To seek for direction and truth
There is no place for such emotionless being
For the whole day keeps on bugging her
And its the night that invites her to find her peace
For there is no peace in the eyes
Of people around her..

Last night I said my last prayer:
That she might found her destiny
Else tomorrow morning she need to move on
For there is no place she should be
Except to get LOST...

Goodbye my dear:-(

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