Friday, July 23, 2010


For when I say things, I know you are listening well.
And yet, there are more than I can say but I cannot say
For perhaps, it is more than pride
And is far more than respect to you.

For I been telling something behind your back
And it is neither good nor bad
For it is the truth which I want to convey
I full honesty..for I know you deserve it.

I think more than twice for months and years
I need not to say anything yet I said much
Too much to give you a clue,
Too much for you to NOT understand
I enjoyed the show...

Listen to what I am not saying,
You are too smart to understand those words
Too brilliant to fool yourself and me
For I been hearding things far more than you said and done
And far more than you show it

It is the thing that makes me smile
And call each day a bliss.

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